GoldCrush Hair – The One Month Mark.

13472_363081783876823_2169912488614692886_n10423342_363081697210165_3037083957853531356_nc/o GoldCrush

Hey guys so you might remember a post I did a month ago when I started my GoldCrush Hair journey, it feels like it’s been so long! I think that’s a mixture of the fact that February is a month lacking in many days and the fact GoldCrush generously gives you enough for a five week month in each batch. You can read my first impressions post here.

For the first time ever I’ve managed to keep up with taking something twice daily! Anyone who knows me knows i’m useless at keeping track and up to date with my vitamins I like to take, so I was quite worried I would be the same with these. However, because it comes with a super handy checklist it was so much easier and i’m yet to miss a day, yippeeee! The checklist is kept next to the kettle to keep it in my mind as my trips to the kettle are countless. If you like myself are bad at getting into a routine then I suggest you too pop this somewhere you  visit daily to keep you reminded! The capsules I thought would also be a challenge because they looked quite big, but they were super easy to consume, s-u-p-e-r easy.

I didn’t think my hair had grown that much, but then when you see your hair daily you don’t notice it really do you! Luckily I also received a GoldCrush Hair top that I could track my progress on. I hadn’t put the top on since the beginning of the month and didn’t know what to expect as I knew that it took about two months for the vitamins to really show any progress. BUT MY HAIR HAS GROWN GUYS , IT’S ACTUALLY GROWN! For someone who’s hair grows at an absolute snail pace I was amazed and quite frankly can’t wait to start my next month and see where I end up!

IMG_703911070741_363081560543512_5882776266982695942_nOh guys, apologies for the first picture the decent ones got deleted off my camera and I couldn’t exactly retake one further down the line so i’ve used this one as an accurate way to show the length.

It’s gone from 3″ to 6″. IN A MONTH! I have been eating healthier too so I don’t know whether that factor has had something to do with it too but either way I know that GoldCrush must of had a big part to play!

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3 responses to “GoldCrush Hair – The One Month Mark.

  1. Have you experienced any side effects with your skin? When I took Hairfinity my face broke out, but my hair definitely grew. Just wondering! excellent post!


    • Nothing that’s been noticeable, these food supplement ones help with nails and skin too. I haven’t seen a vast improvement in either of these areas but they haven’t got any worse. I’m pretty blemish prone anyway but nothing more than usual, they definitely seem to be helping with my hair growth though! xx


  2. glitterbunnies

    This is really interesting! I can definitely see some results, thanks for sharing 🙂


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